Privacy policy Opinia.Club panel

Last change: 20.08.2024

The privacy policy determines how Valicon d.o.o, Kopitarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia, registration number: 5997135000 acquires, stores and uses your personal data. The effective date of the privacy policy is 01. 08. 2024. This privacy policy applies to your participation in the Opinia.Club web panel (hereinafter: “Panel”).

Please read our privacy policy carefully. We recommend that you appropriately save or print a copy of this privacy policy and any future versions that apply for your record of the consent you have given us.

1. About us

The data controller of your personal data is Valicon d.o.o., Kopitarjeva ulica 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia, registration number: 5997135000 (hereinafter: “Valicon”).

The Data Protection Officer may be contacted at [email protected]. In case you have any questions, we will be happy to help.

2. How we acquire your data

We can obtain your personal data through our website or through Opinia.Club mobile app when you express your interest in joining the Panel and fill-up your data in forms and questionnaires.

3. Types of personal data, purpose for processing and legal basis

We may process the following categories of your personal data:

3.1. Basic personal data

Based on registration and filling-up your profile we will process your: e-mail address, telephone number or other contact information, First name, Last name, street address and data needed for reward payment (TAX number, personal ID, bank account number, etc).

Valicon needs the data for:

  • communication purposes: for sending online questionnaires via e-mail and dedicated applications and sending rewards (gift cards),
  • fulfillment of tax obligations,
  • for routine quality assurance and fraud prevention, e.g., detection of multiple registrations of the same user, who uses multiple (fake) identities,
  • the accuracy of basic personal data is periodically checked within the framework of an independent survey or within the framework of other surveys.

3.2. Socio-demographic data

After joining the panel and as part of other surveys, certain general socio-demographic data such as year of birth, gender, income, household size, number of children, marital status, etc. are collected. In addition to the basic ones, we also collect more complex socio-demographic data such as (not exclusive):

  • Information about user habits and preferences, relating to all types of media, but not limited to consumer goods, staple goods, travel and leisure activities, and about your ownership and use of devices connected to the Internet.
  • Information about relationships and attitudes, possible immigrant origin and health status (see also the section below ˝sensitive data˝).

We use the listed data for the following purposes:

  • for sample selection, when online surveys are intended for specific target groups,
  • to ensure the quality and consistency of responses, and to prevent fraud,
  • in addition, we use your personal data in a pseudonymized form as statistical attributes, for example information about your gender, the age group you belong to depending on the year of birth, and the country/region you belong to depending on your postal code. In this way, for example, we can report to client’s what proportion of men or women in a certain age group from a certain region of the country gave certain answers to certain questions in an online survey.

Legal basis for that processing is performing the contract (Participant Terms and Conditions) – 6.1.b) GDPR. If you don’t share this data, we cannot fulfill obligations related to Participant Terms and Conditions.

3.3. Survey data

Survey data are the answers you gave in online surveys. We process them in a pseudonymized form. We process them separately from basic personal data.

We use survey data to report survey results in anonymous form to our clients, who have authorized us to implement market research projects. "Anonymous form" means a form that does not allow the client or other recipient to recognize your identity based on this data. We often present survey results to clients in an aggregated form, for example in the form of a summary of the proportion of men and women in a certain age group who gave certain answers in the survey, etc.

Legal basis for that processing is performing the contract (Participant Terms and Conditions) – 6.1.b) GDPR. If you don’t share this data, we cannot fulfill obligations related to Participant Terms and Conditions.

3.4. Sensitive data

As part of socio-demographic and survey data, we may collect special categories of your personal data (˝sensitive data˝). Sensitive data refers to personal data that reveal nationality, political belief, religious or philosophical belief, union membership, health and sexual orientation.

We collect and use sensitive data only to the extent necessary for the specific purpose of the panel research, for example for making predictions of political party elections. Data on health status are used in such a way, if the client wants to conduct research among, for example, patients with diabetes or to invite only people to the research who, for example, have lactose intolerance.

In case we will need to process sensitive data we will ask for your explicit consent for the purposes specified in the statement of consent for your participation in the panel. That will be legal basis for processing your sensitive data.

3.5. Processing of personal data of children

We will not collect or process information about children under the age of 15Membership requirements are limited for Participants to be 15 years and older. If we find that we have accidentally collected information about a child, we will immediately delete it.

3.6. Aggregated characteristics of your internet browser

As part of individual market research projects performed via web surveys, we also collect some other data, which we obtain from automated processing tools.

We associate your individual anonymized website browsing data with survey data or other personal data, such as gender, age, etc. The primary use of the data is on an aggregate level and in such a way as to analyze browsing behavior, such as for example the reach of a particular web page within a specific target group, which can be determined using personal data (e.g. men, aged 20 to 40) or with selected survey data (e.g. users of a particular brand) or for example demographic structure of a particular web page.

Based on the analysis of aggregated indicators of online behavior, which is specific to a particular target group, a predictive model can be also developed (secondary use) that allows to predict whether that individual belongs to the desired target group or not, based on the known pattern of online behavior of an individual Internet user. This information – a predictive model – is relayed to the online advertising providers or other third parties that are able to use the models, who, based on this, allocates ads to representatives of that target group, instead of to all Internet users.

Data is not used or mediated at the level of an individual at any stage of this process or in any other case.

Legal basis for the processing for above mentioned purposes is performing the contract (Participant Terms and Conditions) – 6.1.b) GDPR.

3.7. Pseudonymized data

We will use pseudonymized or anonymized data for statistical and research purposes with aim to develop analytical models, survey concepts and business models.
Legal basis for the processing for above mentioned purposes is legitimate interest (6.1.f GDPR).

4. Personal data storage and processing period

Valicon stores your personal data on its own servers. We store your personal data for 5 years after the user account is closed, except for data on redeemed awards, which must be stored for 10 years in accordance with tax legislation.

5. Recipients of the personal data

In principle, we do not forward your personal data to anyone, except users of personal data according to the GDPR.

Your data will be processed by our subcontractors who are connected with us in regard with our provision of services, such as our affiliates and providers of information systems - own and cloud solutions and communication technology services. For example, we may pass on personal data to subcontractors for data processing services or to send you information that you have requested or conduct interviews for market research projects. Such data will be transferred or made available only to the extent required by the specific purpose. These data will not be used for other purposes, especially not for their own purposes or for the needs of third parties. When we share your personal information, we will do so consistently on a need-to-know basis, subject to appropriate confidentiality restrictions, on an anonymized basis to the extent possible, and only to the extent strictly necessary for any of these purposes.

Enforcing our legal rights and complying with laws, regulations and other legal requirements we will share your data with state authorities on the basis of their reasoned written request for the needs of conducting a specific procedure within their jurisdiction or to state authorities in the event of a legitimate interest, such as the filing of a criminal complaint in the event of a suspected crime.

6. How we protect your personal data

We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data and protect it against unauthorized or illegal use or processing and against accidental loss or destruction or damage to your personal data, including:

  • the principle of minimum amount of data and processing on a pseudonymised basis, wherever possible;
  • training our staff on the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your data;
  • commitment to take appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce employee privacy responsibilities;
  • continuous and comprehensive modernization and testing of our security technology;
  • careful and responsible selection of our subcontractors;
  • using secure servers to store your personal data;
  • appointing an authorized person for personal data protection;
  • by requesting proof of identity from each individual who requests access to personal data.

7. How we use cookies and similar technology

When you visit or Opinia.Club mobile app, we load cookies into your browser. In the legal sense, cookies are all data that is stored on your terminal equipment and that we need for the functioning of our services. Most of the time we use cookies to verify and maintain your login and save your settings and security. You cannot turn off such cookies and they are necessary for the operation of our services, therefore their use is contractually conditional.

If you have given us permission to install analytical and marketing cookies, we will also load additional cookies.

The processing of personal data with cookies is more precisely described in the Cookie Policy.

8. International transfers of personal data

If we transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we will do so after carefully reviewing the appropriate legal bases and safeguards, such as:

  • for a third country, its territory or sector, the European Commission has issued a decision on the adequacy of the level of data protection,
  • with accepted or approved standard provisions on data protection,
  • with an approved code of conduct and an accepted commitment regarding the rights of individuals to whom personal data refer.

9. Rights of the individual to whom the personal data is related

We would like to remind you of the following rights in relation to your personal data, which you can exercise by sending an e-mail to [email protected] .

  • request access to your personal data and information about our use and processing of your personal data;
  • request correction or deletion of your personal data;
  • request that we restrict the use of your personal data;
  • request your personal data that you have provided to us and that we will provide to you in a structured and machine-readable format (e.g. Excel spreadsheet) and the right to transfer this personal data to another data controller;
  • object to the processing of your personal data for certain purposes (for further information see the section "Your right to object to the processing of your personal data for certain purposes"); and

You have a right to withdraw consent to the use of your personal data, where we rely on your consent, with an e-mail message to [email protected]. If you withdraw your consent, this will not affect the lawfulness of our use and processing of your personal data based on your consent before the date you withdrew your consent.

You also have the right to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, which is National Agency for the Protection of Personal Data.

For further information about your rights in relation to your personal data, including certain limitations that apply to some of these rights, please see Articles 12 to 23 GDPR, located at: .

10. Your right to object to the processing of your personal data for certain purposes:

You have the following rights in relation to your personal data, which you can exercise in the same way as it is set out in the previous section (your rights in relation to your personal data):

  • object to the use or processing of your personal data where we use or process it to carry out a task in the public interest, if we process your personal data for our legitimate interests, including "profiling" (e.g. predicting your behavior based on your personal data) based on any of these purposes; and
  • object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes (including any automated evaluation we make about you or any of your characteristics as a person, if related to such direct marketing).

11. Modification of our privacy policy

We may change our privacy policy from time to time. We will inform you about this in due course.

If we intend to use your personal data for new purposes, we will inform you of that intention and any other important information before we use your personal data for those purposes.

Ljubljana, 20.8.2024

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